What Could Happen Here
In the brief period since the 7/7 attack, there has been a lot of pundit rumination on whether what happened in London could happen here. The fact is that what could -- and probably will -- happen here will be much worse. In his column a year ago, Charles Krauthammer summarized it well:
There is no gradualness and there are no countermeasures to a dozen nuclear warheads detonating simultaneously in American cities. Think of what just two envelopes of anthrax did to paralyze the capital of the world's greatest superpower. A serious, coordinated attack on the United States using WMDs could so shatter the United States as a functioning advanced industrialized society that it would take generations to rebuild.The chances of stopping this civilization-shattering attack are looking increasingly slim. Yet we must go down fighting. Here's my partial list of what we should be demanding from our government:
Strict, wartime-level control of our borders, including military patrols, an Israeli-style fence, and sustained, redundant and comprehensive immigration law enforcement.More should be done, but these would at least be a start.
A sensible policy of ethnic and religious profiling for would-be entrants to the US.
The willingness to use coercive means, including military, to eliminate the North Korean and Iranian nuclear threats, and the other nuclear threats that are sure to arise.
The World War II generation was the last one to achieve psychological adulthood. If its members were running our country, these steps would have been implemented on 9/12/2001. True adults know they must face challenges, not hide from them.
Are there enough adults left to save our civilization? Probably not, but the odds against success do not absolve us of the moral obligation to fight for its survival.
Update: Michelle Malkin's new column contains her agenda. Including that:
A true state of "heightened alert" would mean immediate deportation of illegal aliens from terror-sponsoring and terror-supporting nations, increased National Guard dispatches on both the northern and southern borders, aggressive police-federal cooperation to catch illegal border crossers and overstayers on the interior, and vigorous encouragement of volunteer border security efforts like the Minuteman Project.
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