Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bashing Bad Religion

I'd like to know who originated the asinine notion that it is the equivalent of racial discrimination to criticize a religion. We've all seen some variation of this boilerplate: "No discrimination based on race, color or creed."


God forbid we criticize someone's fanatical, homicidal, supremacist creed.

Fortunately, as to Islam, our civilization's opinion leaders seem to be abandoning the naive "religion of peace" chestnut. This Investor's Business Daily editorial is an encouraging example:
Continuing to pretend that terrorism is a distortion of Islam's supposedly "peaceful" and "tolerant" nature -- and not a predictable outcome of jihad, its 6th pillar -- may soothe the savage beast of political correctness. But it's no way to win a war against real savages. That can only come from frank national discourse over what is motivating them, where they are getting that motivation, and how to implement effective methods to disrupt it.
A must-read.